Does it Fluoresce?

Posted On: Friday, October 17, 2014

Does it Fluoresce? Your teeth do! (c) Charles Mazel

One of our mottoes is ‘Fluorescence Everywhere’™. We mean two things by that:

  • Fluorescence is everywhere around us, all the time
  • With the NIGHTSEA gear you can truly do fluorescence exploration and documentation anywhere and everywhere

Hey, we’ve got the tools so why not use them? We are starting a new series of blog posts to address that age-old question, the one we know you have been asking yourselves and that keeps you awake at night – “Does it fluoresce?”  We’ll be pointing our fluorescence exploration tools at things that cross our path and reporting our results here. Sometimes we will use the flashlight and glasses and other times we’ll put the subject under the microscope.

Stay tuned to learn more about fluorescence in the world around us!

Do you want to know if something in particular is fluorescent? Send us a note and we’ll see if we can find out.

We’ll start this with a smile – yes, your teeth (the real ones at least) are fluorescent.



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